Vim - Faster Find and Replace

Forever we've been looking toward text editors to do the heavy lifting of our heavy lifting for us, at least if you weren't around since the infancy of GNU. One task that comes to mind is replaces occurances through a file. For me it's when I'm migrating a SQL production / s...

Modular Angular.js

Structuring a front end application is seamless when following an MVC pattern such an Angular's. But there's even a way, such as with backbone, to namespace your applications so that they're clear, concise, and meanwhile preventing a cluttered global scope. Declare Your App...

Hello World

Welcome to my thoughts. I've never had a blog aside from a tumblr, so I thought I would use it as practice to build a static one :). You can find rants, tutorials, or maybe even news here, or maybe you won't, who knows... Only time will tell and it's on our side, mostly. In...